
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

AntimonyAntics: The Proposal

Late as always, but here's my entry to Lady Antimony's AntimonyAntics challenge. It's another story on virra birds, “the rats of the sky” as they are known in Verannia. Please visit the other blogs too.

The lid of a box flew open, followed by a yellow coin and another. The bird dug deeper into the box. There had to be something of value here. Picking the lock with a stick had been hard enough. There had to be something here worth grain.
“Interesting.” The virra-bird flicked open the little box. Inside was a ring cushioned by a soft fabric, and a crumpled note. The bird placed a foot atop the paper and pulled it open with its beak. “Veeery interesting.”

The virra bird beat its tiny wings as fast it could, zigzagging past people. “Knowledge for grain!”
“Shut up, blabbermouth! I’ll pay you to be quiet!” Errol ran after the bird, arms stretched out to catch the nuisance.
“Knowledge for grain! Errol the merchant is going to propose to Ellie! I know the words he’s going to say.”
“Here, bird.” A soft voice called. The bird landed on Ellie’s palm and began pecking at the seeds. She looked at Errol, mischief glinting in her eyes. ”Well , how is he going to propose to me?”
Half a seed fell from the grey beak. ”He wants your arms to cradle his children, your kisses heal any ailment and you’ve got a nice ar—”
“Shut up, bird! That wasn’t on the note!” Errol reached for the bird, but Ellie caught his hand in hers.
“I do.” she said, dropping the grains and the bird. “Though you can propose properly back home.”

1 comment:

  1. I love your Virra Birds, especially the "knowledge for grain" since gold had previously been discarded without interest.
    I also love your romances, Errol and Ellie sound like a fabulous couple to take the injection of the little Virra Bird in stride with their romance.
    Also, thanks for taking time to read Lost Girls' Society--I'm hoping to get back up to speed on your site soon.
