
Sunday, August 14, 2011

After The 7 Virtues

The 7 virtues blog challenge is the first blog challenge I’ve taken on. I found it daunting at first, but after writing the first one, Chastity, I realized that though writing a story in 100 words wasn’t easy, it was not impossible. Once I remembered the advice: “short stories rely more on the idea than novels”, I took the dog out and sought ideas that would encompass the 7 virtues. Once I’d found one I would begin adding layers, just as I do with longer stories.

I learned from 7 virtues blog challenge that even 100 words can tell a story, as a result when writing or revising I choose the words with care. A few well-chosen words can help set the tone for the scene and keep it up. “Blades of grass that bent under the terrible force of the wind” tell that something awful is about to happen, while “Morning dew dappled the gently swaying field” is much calmer, setting the mood for contemplation or a love scene; even though we’re essentially describing grass. Description can be a powerful tool; I got to see it in action. There were many great stories that essentially described a person doing something with little or no dialog. The words they had chosen, the actions of the characters and the looks on their faces spoke more than words.

Reading what the other participants imagined when faced with the challenge of creating stories inspired by 7 virtues was rewarding. Some went the less virtuous way, creating horrific tales with gruesome endings, while some had truly virtuous characters whose example should be followed.

Thank you Lady Antimony for throwing us the gauntlet and thankyou everyone who picked it up, it has been a pleasure reading your stories. Hopefully the next challenge will be just as fruitful.

1. Chastity

2. Temperance

3. Charity

4. Diligence

5. Patience

6. Kindness

7. Humility


  1. Great work and thank you so much for joining this challenge! I don't think I would've found your site otherwise and that would've been a tragedy.

  2. I loved your stories and I truly appreciated your comments on mine!

    You are a talented writer.

  3. Wow. You ARE a talented writer, I agree with both comments above!

    I'll keep my eye out for more posts from you in my reader!!! Glad you took on the virtues.
