
Monday, March 26, 2012

MarchMadness Blog Challenge 3

Vret bowed his half-changed head before the bigger shapeshifter. A hand settled on the back of his neck. Fingers entangled with his hair and the remnants of a mane, a quick tug pulled his head back.
“Sana, couldn’t you curb your vengeance for a little while longer?” Brell stared through his eyes and into the demon’s. “Vret’s too weak to resist. It had to be you.”
Beneath his skin he felt his demon writhing. Sana’s curses echoed through his mind, her anger rang through the words he spoke: “She says she will rip your head off if you ask her again.”
“Then answer me Vret, what were either of you thinking?” Brell released his grip. His hand lifted to his temple. “Our task was to expose the cruelty that takes place within those walls.”
“We were successful.” Sana bared his teeth into a snarl.
“Your former tribe mate saw it all.” His demon shrunk beneath the tone of Brell’s voice. “She also saw you drag that man here, unconscious, but alive. Now he’s not. See how you’ve risked our work?”
Vret swallowed hard, and then nodded.
“Good.” Brell slapped his hand onto his shoulder. “To redeem yourselves you’re going to back to the village. I have a new task for you two.”


  1. Ooo! The demon's name is Sana and it's a she! Very cool developments... Also like Sana being defiant but not directly hostile to the shifter Brell... I really love your characters, so getting to see the three-way interplay here is great.

    Sounds like they were on an important mission. Still don't know how Vret ended up with a demon, but it is fascinating to see how he lives with one.

  2. Got her name from a fantasy name generator, oddly 'sana' means 'word' in Finnish. Some of our words sound like a fantasy language...

    In the WIP the demons are mostly evil and being possessed is one of the worst things that could happen to a character. I wanted to show a shapeshifter who, although torn, isn't fighting the demon who's possessing him.
